I'M BORED character sketches: The Potato

Continuing my series of posts about how I'M BORED was created...
In addition to sending Justin some character sketches of the little girl, I also sent him character sketches of the potato:
I got a huge kick out of the fact that I was doing character sketches of a POTATO. And I actually did buy a bunch of different potatoes from the grocery store as examples of different potato shapes and textures and colours.
Yes, I knew that most of the details wouldn't need to be exact in the final version but hey, I needed to grokk the essence of The Potato!
After studying all my potatoes, of course, I cooked and ate them.
Photo: laurenipsum
Since working on I'M BORED, I see potatoes in a whole new light. They all have FACES, for example. Don't believe me? Check it out yourself:
1. Buy a potato from the supermarket.
2. Put it on your kitchen table.
3. Look really hard at it. Focus. Try thinking potato thoughts. Become one with the potato.
4. THERE! You SEE it? Just for a moment, that potato face, glaring at you?!??
5. Okay, so maybe you didn't see a face. But it's there, I swear! Try drawing potatoes for over a year and you'll see a face in every potato, too.
Hm, I think I'm going to have to have a Create A Potato Face Challenge at some point in the future.
But meanwhile, here are Some Boring Facts About Potatoes.