I'M BORED on CCBC Summer Reading List 2013

Thanks to the Canadian Children's Book Centre for including I'M BORED on their Summer Reading List recommendations for 2013! Other titles in the Picture Books section include: Big City Bees by Maggie de Vries & Renné Benoit (Greystone Books), Mr. Zinger's Hat by Cary Fagan & Dusan Petricic (Tundra Books), Scaredy Squirrel Prepares For Christmas: A Safety Guide For Scaredies by Mélanie Watt (Kids Can Press), Sky Color by Peter Reynolds (Candlewick Press), The Stamp Collector by Jennifer Lanthier and Francois Thisdale (Fitzhenry & Whiteside), and This Is Not My Hat by Jon Klassen (Candlewick Press).
To parents, librarians, bookstores and summer teachers: I've provided a free Summer Book Club Party kit online. Print-ready invitation and activity sheets, event suggestions, plus (if you give me enough warning) I'll mail you I'M BORED bookmarks and stickers!
Thanks to author Valerie Sherrard for the heads-up re: the CCBC Summer Reading list news on FB. Valerie's Counting Back To Nine (Fitzhenry & Whiteside) is one of the recommended YA books on the list.
For more info about the Canadian Children's Book Centre, see http://www.bookcentre.ca.