I'M BORED on a dogsled near Mt-Tremblant, Québec

I went dogsledding in Québec over the March Break, thanks to my mom-in-law and Expedition Wolf. SO MUCH FUN, especially during the downhill bits.
Our guide, Olivier:
In the photo above, Olivier is watching the road to let us know when we could all cross without fear of being hit by a truck. Photo taken after sledding, when we were heading back to the Expedition Wolf cabin.
To his credit, Olivier didn't think I was weird for wanting to take a picture of I'M BORED during the trip. He even volunteered to take the photo above.
In fact, he was curious about the process and about the book. I really wished I could remember more French, but I did tell him about the French version being available now: Je M'Ennuie.
Fun adventure, and it was kind of cool to connect with someone over children's books.
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